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Articles ListSearch by Paper Title, Abstract, AuthorsTotal Papers: 22206TitleAuthorsAbstractFUZZY PROJECTS: MODELS AND ALGORITHMS published in Published by International Academy of Theoretical & Applied SciencesAnatoly Aleksandrovich NaumovThe paper discusses the modern models and algorithms for solving fuzzy projects analysis problems.The study was designed to find out the impact of yoga on fasting glucose among the Type-II diabetic patients inchennai region. To facilitate the study, 30 diabetic type-II patients were selected from Chennai metropolitan city andwere analyzed with the differences in the mean values of pre and post test score on fasting blood glucose. Their age group ranged between35 to 45 years and then given yoga training for a period of eight months. The pre tests were taken from the subjects before administering thetraining.

The subjects were involved with their respective practices on five days in a week. At the end of the eight month practices post test weretaken on fasting blood glucose. The statistical analysis reveals a significant difference of the improvement in fasting blood glucose. Published in Published byHIMA HARI UConsumption is the basis on which all economic activities are revolving in an economy. Consumption boom can bewitnessed across the world resulting from fast progress of technology and business management. The Consumptionpattern in India underwent a sweeping structural change since the introduction of liberalization policies initiated in 1991 and this paved theway for a number of multi branded cheap products available in Indian markets.

This affects the consumption, particularly, of durable electronic goods in the country. Among the Indian states, Kerala is considered to be a Consumer state. The objective of this paperis to examine the trend and pattern of consumption in Kerala. In the case of consumption, Kerala exhibits the characteristics which are aliento the rest of India and exhibits the features of high mass consumption stage which are similar to a developed country.

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Kerala’s fascinationtowards durable goods revealed that it has entered into a new phase of consumption called commodity fetishism.Performance of pneumatic planter for sorghum seeds published in Published by Rakesh kumar SinghRANJEET KUMAR, B. PADHEE AND HARSHVARDHAN SINGHThe performance of a Pneumatic planter was studied with an objective to select required gear ratio for recommended seed rateof sorghum. For picking single seed, the multi groove metering plate with seed hole (3 mm diameter) and vacuum pressure of 2 kPa were usedthroughout the experiments. The average values for plant to plant spacing, mean miss index and multiple index, actual field capacity and field efficiency were 101.1 mm, 2.01 per cent, 3.8 per cent, 0.77 ha/h and 89 per cent, respectivelyANTI-OBESITY AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF CUCURBITA MAXIMA DUCHESNE (L) ALBINO WISTAR RATS published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaS.Shobana and Dr. Jayachitra.Objective: To investigate the hypolipidemic and antioxidant activity of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne (L). In albino wistar rats.

Methods: Rats were divided into four groups, groups 1 received 0.5% saline; groups 2 received control and ethanolic extract Cucurbita maxima Duchesne with saline groups 3 received high fat diet;and group 4 received high fat diet with 0.5% saline and ethanolic extract Cucurbita maxima Duchesne for the total experimental period of 8 days. Results: The results showed significantly elevated levels of serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), total cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL and LDL and significantly lowered enzymic antioxidant activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and level of HDL in high fat diet treated rats compared with the control. Ethanolic extract Cucurbitamaxima Duchesne (L).administration to rats with high fat diet induced hyper lipedemia significantly decreased the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, total cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL and LDL and significantly elevated the activity of superoxide dismutase and level of HDL in the serum compared with those of the unsupplemented high fat diet treated rats. The different biochemical parameters registered a significant rise in serum of high fat diet treated rats as compared to the normal control. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the hypolipidemic and antioxidant activity of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne (L). In albino wistar rats.Evaluation of Biopesticide Formulations on Per Cent AdultMortality And Fecundity of Pulse Beetle in Redgram published in Published by THE GLOBAL JOURNALSSHAIK JAVEDAmong the Insect pests of stored grain legumes, Callosobruchus chinensis L. And Callosobruchus maculatus F.are themost importantwith considerable levels of damage being done to stored commodities.

Demonetization of Indian currency notes of Rs. 500 and 1000 is considered as boldest move taken by PM Narendra Modi. The decision was announced on the evening of November 8th 2016. The reason behind this decision is to keep a check on corrupt and black money hoarders. It is expected that this move of government will be helpful in reducing inflation which will be a great relief for general public of India. Though the decision is sudden and quick hence it will definitely have major impact on economy.

Almost all sectors of economy get affected by demonetization. The small and medium business sector in India has a heavy influence on the economy. It provides employment to millions of people every year and contributes a good 8 to country's GDP. A large part of our population rely on this sector for employment hence the importance of MSME in India cannot be overlooked. Keeping g all these factors in mind the present paper is an attempt to measure the impact of demonetization on MSME.

The study will be descriptive in nature. Data collected for the purpose of this study is based on secondary sources as researcher has reviewed more than 50 articles and research paper for the purpose of collectind data for the same. Shweta Chaudhary Ms. Aditi 'Impact of Demonetization in India on MSME' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-3, April 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23049.pdf. Interview data were transcribed and five themes generated and evolved. These are (a) workplace violence happens to anyone: workplace violence is becoming rampant in the health care industry, (b) there are damaging circumstances as a nurse: impact of workplace for nurses, (c) unpleasant experiences are better forgotten: how nurses survive workplace violence, (d) I am a Nurse and I stand by my profession: why nurses opted to stay despite their workplace violence experiences, and (e) I long for a better place: a better workplace for nurses. In the narratives, study reveals that informants experienced unforgotten disruptive behaviors such as fear, frustration, verbal abuse, humiliation and threat.

Abuse or misuse of power of authorities resulting to diminishing trust and confidence in hospital administration created feelings of helplessness and demoralization that eventually reduced their feeling of dignity and self-respect. Legitimate occupational issues within the nursing workplace need attention and if interventions are ignored, the consequence is enduring silence. EXOGENOUS MELATONIN INHIBITS IMMUNE FUNCTION IN SHAW’S JIRD (MERIONES SHAWI) published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaHanan A.

El-Bakry.The pineal hormone melatonin is reported to be a fundamental immunomodulator in a variety of species. Nevertheless, evidence supporting the immunoregulatory role of melatonin is conflicting, and information concerning its role in desert animals is scarce. The present study addressed the effects of exogenous melatonin administration on immune function in a wild-caught desert rodent species (Shaw’s jird; Meriones shawi). The serum levels of cytokines (TNF?, IL-1?, IL-6, IFN? And IL-4) and immunoglobulins (IgA and IgE) were measured by ELISA assay; the frequency of CD8+ cells (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) or IgM+ (immunoglobulin M) cells was assessed byimmunohistochemistry; the percentage of splenic lymphocyte populations in the white pulp was assessed by quantitative image analysis. In addition, the levels of TNF?

And IL-4 mRNAs in the thymus and spleen were assessed by Semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Daily administration of melatonin (50?g/ml of drinking water for 8 weeks) decreased both humoral and cell-mediated immunity in Meriones shawi. It significantly decreased the secretion of Th1 cytokines (IFN? And TNF?) and the production of Th2 cytokines (IL4). It also lowered the serum levels of IL1?

And IL6 which are secreted by activated macrophages, and decreased the serum levels of IgA and Ig E. Similarly, the cellularity of splenic white pulp and red pulp, and the frequency of CD8+ and IgM+ cells were markedly decreased. Melatonin also down-regulated the level of gene expression of TNF? And IL-4 in thymus. Male jirds did not differ from female jirds in any of these parameters.

Altogether, these results demonstrate for the first time that exogenous melatonin has immunosuppressive effects in Meriones shawi.Obesity and Coronary Artery Disease published in Published by THE GLOBAL JOURNALSDr. Ashish Patel, Dr. Darshan Sandesara, Dr. Kavya PatelObesity has been considered one of the most important causative factor for the development of coronary arterydisease.

Obesity has several effects on endocrine functions contributing to insulin resistance and development ofmetabolic syndrome. Innovation is gaining exponential ground and is making numerous things less demanding. As the inventive reasoning of people is expanding each and every day, new techniques for remote systems administration have been advanced of which our present subject Wi Fi is the most acknowledged innovation.

Wi Fi is famous remote systems administration innovation which gives an office permitting PCs, Smartphones or different gadgets to associate with the Internet or speak with each other remotely inside a given territory. Wi Fi systems have no physical association among sender and beneficiary. Wi Fi utilizes the radio waves to give arrange network. Remote Vision WiVi is another innovation like a similar idea of Wi Fi which enables seeing through dividers with the assistance of Wi Fi pointer. Wi Fi can likewise expand our faculties, empowering us to see the moving items through dividers and away from plain view. Specifically, we can utilize such pointer to locate the quantity of individuals in a shut room and their relative areas.

We can likewise discover basic motions which are made behind a divider, and join the arrangement of marker to convey messages to a remote recipient without conveying any sort of transmitting gadget. By the utilization of Wi Fi pointer and MIMO correspondence, a remote vision gadget has been made which catches the humanoid movement behind the divider or shut room. We use MIMO impedance nulling to kill reflections off static articles and spotlight the beneficiary on a moving target. Paper URL: HIRTA LINN - A REVIEW ON TRADITIONAL USES,PHYTOCHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY published in Published by Dr.

Valentina PetkovaAsha.S, Deevika.B, Mohamad Sadiq.A.Euphorbia hirta Linn. Is a small herb, belongs to familyEuphorbiaceae, distributed throughout the hotter part of India, oftenfound in waste places along the roadsides. The plant parts are widelyused in traditional system of medicines, in the treatment of respiratorydiseases, gastrointestinal disorders, wound healing, pulmonarydisorders, urinogenital disorders, tumors, lactation in women etc.

Theplant has also been used as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumour,antidiabetic and free radical scavenging, anti allergic, analgesic andantianaphylactic, antioxytic, sedative, antiarthritic, antidiarrhoeal,spasmogenic, antithrombocytopenic, diuretic, GI tract, burn woundhealing, immune stimulatory, sperm motility, genotoxic, synergic,antiviral, antihelmentic, immunoprohylatic, antimalarial, antimicrobial, herbicidal,antimolluscidal, larvicidal property and so on. In this report we explore investigations relatedto taxonomy, monographs, distribution, morphology, phytochemistry, traditional uses andpharmacological uses of the plant.Direct and Indirect Effects of Independents Variables on Return on the Total Assets of Composite Cotton Sector-An Analytical Study in Indian Textile Companies published in Published by BONFRINGA.

Dharmaraj and Dr.S. SivakumarTextile industries in India are playing a vital role in the economy of the country. In recent years, it has also become an important factor for employment. It has made a remarkable impact in the economic growth of the nation through its growth and development in the past few years. This paper presents an analytical study of Indian textile industries.

The direct and indirect impacts of independents variables on return on the total assets of composite cotton sector have been thoroughly analyzed. This study mainly focuses on the financial impact of the selected industries. This investigation gives a overall financial performance of the Indian textile industries.Counterfeit Currency Detectionpublished in Published by IJTSRDMadhuri R.

WarhadeNowadays problem of fake currency increases because of increasing in technology like scanning, color printing so result in counterfeit currency. In India increase in fake paper currency notes of 100, 500, 2000 rupees etc. So detection of fake currency is necessary. The determination of fake currency with the help of image processing.

Firstly Image acquisition is done then pre-processing stage applied to that image for suppress unwanted feature and added some feature which are necessary for further process. Conversion of RGB picture into HSV scale. Then image segmentation applied to that image in this image divided into number of objects. Then morphological operation is perform on that picture.

Further feature extraction/area of calculation stage applied to that picture and finally that picture compared with the original image. Warhade'Counterfeit Currency Detection' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 Issue-4, June 2018, URL: Study of Self Confidence inRelation to Achievement Motivationof D.ed Students published in Published by THE GLOBAL JOURNALSDr. MOHAN REDDYSelf confidence is being certain and trusting about yourself in regard to addressing certain tasks or all tasks. Selfconfidence is critical to effective performance in the workplace and is the source of assertiveness, which is fullyrepresenting yourself to others. One’s self confidence can be cultivated by using a variety of approaches, e.g., ongoingsuccess when performing tasks, ongoing support and affirmation from supervisors, successful coaching in the workplace, etc.Achievement outcomes have been regarded as a function of two characteristics, “skill” and “will” and these must be considered separatelybecause possessing the will alone may not ensure success if the skill is lacking. It is true that our behavior is constantly influenced by the selfconfidence level that we possess.

Similarly, achievement motivation motivates students to pursue their unique potential and purpose andactivities innermost potential values and aspirations, transforming them from things they think about to what they do.So this study aims to find the levels of self confidence and achievement motivation of student-teachers studying in D.Eds.Privacy in Map Reduce Based Systems: A Review published in Published by Mohammad ZainuddinRosmy C Jose, Shaiju Paul?Today, every organisation ge ne r a te s and adds huge amount of data to the cloud. This vast amount of data which cannot be effectively captured, processed and analysed by traditional database and search tools is called Big Data. The processing of big data is made possible by using Map Reduce, a programming model and an associated implementation, introduced by Google. MapReduce process d a t a, w h i c h ar e located at different data nodes. It pushes computations to where the data r e s i d e s rather than t h e oppos i t e.

So, Map Reduce Framework or source codes may leak sensitive data during computation process. In current im p l em e n t a t i o n (Airavat) Mapper code is written by user and Reducer code is selected from a list provided by the system. If these codes are given by the system itself, usability may become low. Therefore, in the proposed s ys t em both Map and Reduce codes can be written by the user. So usability wi l l be high. A Computation System ensures the privacy leak through storage channels (network connections, files) or privacy leak through the output of the computation is stopped. Use SELinux is used to prevent storage channel leaks.

Leaks through the output o f the computations are checked by using differential privacy mechanisms.EFFECT OF LENGTHS BRANCH ON BUD BREAK, MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF LEAVES AND FRUITS OF THREE FIG(FICUS CARICA L.) CULTIVARS OF SECOND CROP published in Published by International Academy of Theoretical & Applied SciencesAbbas Mohsin Salman Al-HameedawiAn experiment was conducted in a private orchard at Abbasyia, Najaf Governorate during the growing seasons of 2014 on fig cv. Aswod Diala, Kadota and Waziri at 5 years old trees to investigate the effect of length branches of ( 10-15 cm, 20-35 cm,40-60 cm and more than 6o cm ) that one year old on percentage of bud breaks, number and length of new shoots, leaf aria, number and depth of lobates, petiole length, number of fruits, length, diameter, shape, firmness and Ostiolum diameter of fruits and total yield shoot for the four branches of three Fig cultivars of second crop.

Results showed that the best result at length of branches 40-60 cm on percentage of bud breaks, number and length of new shoots, leaf aria, number and depht of lobates, petiole length, number of fruits, length, diameter, shape, firmness and Ostiolum diameter of fruits and total yield shoot for all studied. The cultivar Kadota gave the highest rate of vegetative and fruiting characteristics and yield.The Brokpa's of Ladakh Preserving the immaculateness of Aryan Racepublished in Published by IJTSRDGulzar HussainFor them ethnicity characterizes status. They claims to be unadulterated Aryan stocks and myths have that they follow their hereditary ancestry to the individuals from the Alexander's armed forces which remained stayed in this mountainously rugged place.

Settled in villages of Ladakh, the 1800 in numbers, Brokpa group has effectively possessed the capacity to keep its quality pool in place, following strong social norms and guidelines. BROKPAS are oblivion in India, however they are world famous as many international tourist and historians made their frequent visit for different interest, viewed as a missing individuals from a thoroughbred 'Ace Race' settled in the Himalayas, Brokpas draw in inquisitive guests, some of who attempt to full fill their dream of having unadulterated Aryan children. This examination is however a little pushes to follow the historical backdrop of the Brokpa people group and to analyse the fever of being asserting themselves as Aryan or the descendants of Alexander, and furthermore of the investigation of the culture and the lifestyle of the Broqpa's and their push to save the immaculateness of races is likewise the goal of these written work. Gulzar Hussain 'The Brokpa's of Ladakh: Preserving the immaculateness of Aryan Race' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 Issue-3, April 2018, URL: Paper URL: Review of Computer Software for Innovative ChemicalStructure Drawing and Spectra Prediction published in Published by Scientific and Academic AssociationManish KaushikIn recent years there has been an increasing research emphasis on complexmacromolecular systems. These include polymers and coordination compounds withprecise control of structures, multicomponent systems with higher degrees oforganization, they involved in confined environments, nanochemistry and nanostructures,biopolymers and bio-inspired chemistry.

Successful Spectroscopic studies of thesecomplexes require judicious applications of existing techniques and development of newor improved strategies and methodologies. In this article various Chemical drawing andSpectra prediction computer software are compared and analyzed for their role inresearch in complex macromolecular systems. We have compared various software likeAccelrys (Symyx) Draw, ChemDraw (ChemBioDraw), DrawIt, ChemSketch,ChemDoodle, Chemistry 4-D Draw, MarvinSketch and MestreNova NMR Predict.Preparation of ice-cream using natural sweetener stevia published in Published byYOGIRAJ R. KONDEDESHMUKH, ANANTRAON. SIRSAT, PRITAMK.HANDE,SHARDDHA S. MOREStevia is a calorie-free sugar substitute and does not increase the blood glucose level, making it a possible alternative for diabetics anddieters.

Ice cream was prepared by replacing sugar with two different concentrations of stevia powder 2.25 per cent and 2.50 per cent.Two flavours were used i.e coffee flavour and mixed flavour (vanilla, strawberry and pineapple in equal amount). Sugar was fullyreplaced by stevia powder. Effect of incorporation of stevia powder in both the flavours was evaluated for the sensory characteristics ofice cream and compared with the control containing sugar. Amongst the two flavour the research shown that the coffee flavour icecream containing 2.25 per cent of stevia powder was found to have good colour, appearance and texture.

It contained protein 2.96 percent, carbohydrates 7.49 per cent, fat 12.08 per cent, energy 151 kcal/100g, reducing sugar 3.94 per cent, non-reducing sugar 0 per cent,calcium 0.13 per cent, total solids 25.88 per cent and free fatty acids 0.71 per cent.A STUDY ON THE RETENTION OF PYRROLOQUINAZOLINE ALKALOID VASICINE IN NUTRACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS OF ADHATODA VASICA published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaK. Srinivasan. and C. SivasubramanianVasicine, a quinazoline alkaloid is the major active compound of Adhatoda vasica, an Indian traditional herb which gives its antiasthma property in the treatment of asthma disorder. The purpose of this research work is to evaluate the retention of pyrroloquinazoline alkaloid vasicine in Adhatoda vasica raw herb and its formulations through microencapsulation and extrusion process using high performance liquid chromatography technique. The analysis result indicated that the higher retention i.e.

73.18% of vasicine in gum acacia encapsulated Adhatoda vasica leaf powder compared to initial vasicine content of hot air died powder (378 ppm). The retention percentage of vasicine was found to be 69.57%, 64.72%, 49.50% and 44.24% in maltodextrin encapsulated, gum acacia encapsulated andextruded, raw herb spray dried and raw herb extruded respectively. This study will help the functional food product developers to exploit the microencapsulated Adhatoda vasica leaf powder to resist high temperature and pressure in their formulations.INFLUENCE OF NATURAL GUMS AND SYNTHETIC POLYMERS ON THE SUSTAINED RELEASE MATRIX TABLETS OF TIZANIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaNayana. M., Kirankumar Navade, Nethravathi.A, K. Sumana, Suresh V.

KulkarniIn recent years, plant derived polymers have evoked interest due to their diverse pharmaceutical applications such as diluents, binders, disintegrants in tablets, thickeners in oral liquids, protective colloids in suspensions, gelling agents in gels, bases in suppository and also used in cosmetics, textiles, paints and paper-making. The plant based polymers have been studied for their application in different pharmaceutical dosage forms like matrix controlled system, film coating agents, buccal films, microspheres, nanoparticles, viscous liquid formulations like ophthalmic solutions, suspensions, implants and their applicability and efficacy has been proven. These have also been utilized as viscosity enhancers, stabilizers, disintegrants, solubilizers, emulsifiers, bioadhesives and binders.1-3 Sustainedrelease formulation is the drug delivery system that is designed to achieve a prolonged therapeutic effect by control the drug release within the safety range over an extended period of time after administration of single dose. The objective of this research work was about Influence of Natural Gums and Synthetic Polymers on the Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Tizanidine Hydrochloride in the management of Spasticity. Matrix tablets were prepared by direct compression method using natural polymers, and fillers like Xanthun gum, HMPC K100, and Karaya gum as matrix forming agent and excipients such as MCC, Magnesium stearate and Tlac were used.

Dissolution profiles were studied in medium pH 1.2 HCl for 2 hours and pH 6.8 phosphate buffer for the remaining 10 hours. The influences of variables like polymer concentration, combination and fillers on drug release were analyzed from formulation F-1 to F- 09. The formulation was optimized on the basis of acceptable tablet properties and in-vitro drug release.

Formulation (F-3) successfully sustained the release of drug up to 12 hours. The release data were fit into different kinetic models (zero-order, first-order, Higuchi’s equation and Korsmeyer? Peppas equation).

Tablets prepared were analyzed by using FT-IR stability studies. The mechanism of drug release from F-3 was anomalous (non Fickian) diffusion. Optimized formulation F-3 was stable after stability studies under accelerated temperature and humidity.Optimization of a Composite Drive Shaft by Minimizaton of Sink Mark Defects in Injection Moulding Processpublished in Published by IJTSRDMs. G Thasleema Nasreen Mr. Pavan KumarThe purpose of this paper is to present an integrated approach for improving the quality characteristics of the injection molded part Honda Upper Part being manufactured at manufacturing industry Pakistan, where the rejection rate for Honda upper part was on ramp due to sink marks defects. The proposed integrated approach embraces the concept of Design of Experiments Taguchi Approach and Response surface design methodology for injection molding process optimization. The Taguchi Method TM was used to short list the variables that have significant effects on the sink marks in injection molded parts.

Furthermore, the optimization approach of Response Surface Methodology RSM was utilized for the experimental research to acquire a prediction model that can be used to optimize injection molding process in terms of fine sink marks reduction. The result shows that the sink marks reduction Predicted by the integration of the Taguchi Method and RSM indeed decreased from 0.0088 Taguchi's result down to 0.0080 mm.

The empirical results reveal that the integration of the Taguchi Method and RSM could effectively improve the quality. Basically with these experiments, we tried to open the vision of manufacturers and designers regarding the application of integrated RSM Taguchi approach using linear cum interaction regression model with selected parametric levels setting for the dimensional accuracy of the injection molded part, and thus contributing towards improvement in process's reliability.

The integrated approach with regression model for optimization does not only provide theoretical worth to the literature and manufacturers designers but can also be applied to different manufacturing industries for quality parts production. G Thasleema Nasreen Mr.

Birth weight is an important factor in delivery management. Antenatal ultrasound has turned out to be one of the clinicians most vital devices for surveying fetal age, growth and prosperity. Contrasted Physical examination of the pregnant uterus is the most precise strategy for evaluating fetal size and growth along with the utilization of ultrasound imaging and estimating of the different fetal parameters. Objective To evaluates the antenatal assessments of fetal weight in pregnancies by using Johnson's formula, Hadlock's formula and Ultrasonography. Comparison of these different methods with the actual birth weight of these babies after delivered. Material and methods Two hundred singleton term pregnancies within 48 hours were randomly selected to participate in this prospective cohort study.

Variables included such as abdominal circumference, Biparietal diameter, and Femur length. Parameters to obtain estimated fetal weight Results The mean birth weight of Hadlock formula is closest to the mean of actual birth weight. In the study population, more primigravida delivered babies with very low birth weight and more multigravida delivered babies of birth weight 3500 gms. Johnson's and ultrasound Hadlock's formula had a marked tendency to overestimate the fetal weight. Error was within 350 Gms in 84.7, 70.8 and 84 of cases by Dare's, Johnson's and ultrasound Hadlock's formula.

Pushpamala Ramaiah Dr. Lamiaa Ahmed Elsayed Dr. Grace Lindsey Dr. Ayman Johargy 'Estimation of Fetal Size and Weight using Various Formulas' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-3, April 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23231.pdf.

Paper URL: Avium Complex published in Published byDr. B.C.Kaji,Dr.Ekta B. Murtaza Bohra,Dr. Monika Goyal,Dr. Nikita ChaturvediAtypical mycobacterial infection has been described in the medical literature since 1950s.The development andintroduction of a rapid radiometric mycobacterial detection system has enabled the distinction of mycobacteriumtuberculosis from other mycobacteria, allowed antimicrobial susceptibility testing and advanced the field of mycobacteriology. The increasedfrequency of atypical mycobacterial infection stems from advances in diagnostic procedures1.Optimization of Functional properties in laundry Soap ofBleached Palm Oil-Palm-Palm Kernel Oil-Groundnut OilComposite with The Simplex Centroid Mixture Design published in Published by Scientific and Academic AssociationEssien, N.B, 2Udofia, P. And 1Jonathan, E.


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M.The Simplex Centroid Mixture design of the response surfacemethodology (RSM) was used to determine the optimum proportions of bleachedpalm oil, palm kernel oil and groundnut oil in composite oil that would producelaundry soap with the optimum cleansing efficiency. Optimization analysis of thedata showed that 0.200, 0.169, and 0.631 proportions of palm oil, palm kernel oil,and groundnut oil respectively, produced 44.491, 0.149, 2.209, and 7.726 of latherstability, acid free alkali, chloride and pH respectively at 68.70% desirability.Based on the results, less of the palm kernel oil should be present in the compositeoil to produce the model soap.Demographic Factors Contributing to thePsychosocial Competence of Adolescents published in Published byDr. Anita Bhat, Dr. Vijayalaxmi A.

AminabhaviNo matter where one lives in the world, his surroundings, people and events do have some impact on human being. This holds well on adolescents also, who are influenced by their age, sex, order of birthand SES etc. This paperattempts to look into the demographic factors contributing to the psychosocial competence of adolescents.

A sample of 220 adolescents studying in IX and X standards was drawn from the high schools of Dharwad city. Along with the demographic sheet, psychosocial competencescale constructed by Dindigal and Aminabhavi was used in the study. The results revealed that out of many demographic factors, numberof siblings and SES have emerged as contributing factors to overall psychosocial competence of adolescents.

Adolescents having two siblingshave lower psychosocial competence and children from upper class have better psychosocial competenceANTIMICROBIAL, LARVICIDAL AND ACARICIDAL ACTIVITIESOF THE ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF ANDROGRAPHISPANICULATA AND CARICA PAPAYA LEAVES published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaS. Krishnaveni and P.Venkatalakshmi.The present study has been designed to evaluate the antimicrobial,larvicidal and acaricidal activities of the ethanolic extract ofAndrographis paniculata and Carica papaya leaves. Antimicrobialactivity of the extract was evaluated against five pathogenic bacterialand two fungal strains. The activity was compared with a standardantibiotic Erythromycin.

Larvicidal activity of the extract wasevaluated as the percentage mortality of mosquito larvae usingdifferent concentrations of the extract. Acaricidal activity wasevaluated against the cattle tick Rhipicephalous annulatus.The resultsof the present study are presented and discussed. The findings of thepresent study, clearly demonstrates the antimicrobial, larvicidal andacaricidal activities of the ethanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata and Carica papaya.OVER CAPACITY NARAPIDANA DI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN, FAKTOR PENYEBAB, IMPLIKASI NEGATIF, SERTA SOLUSI DALAM UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PEMBINAAN NARAPIDANApublished in Published by Faculty of Law, Jenderal Soedirman University, IndonesiaAngkasaOvercapacity happened because growth rate dweller of ill assorted prison with dwelling medium of prison. Besides seems there are some other impeller factors to the happening of the paradigm overcapacity or law factors of itself which tend to oriented institutional crime (prison). Overcapacity tend to to have negative implication to some matters for example the lowering of security storey;level / observation and also the happening of prisonization. Solution of overcapacity convict in prison in the effort optimalization construction of convict in the effort optimalization construction of convict for example with a few actions having the character of non-institutional in the form of conditional crime, probation, suspended, compensation, restitution and also usage of restorative justice.Keyword: overcapacity, convict, justice restorativePROTECTIVE EFFECT OF CYNODON DACTYLON EXTRACT ONHIGH FAT DIET INDUCED HYPERLIPIDEMIA IN EXPERIMENTALANIMALS published in Published by Dr.

Valentina PetkovaSridevi visvanathan., S.Janathul Firdous and V.BharathiHyperlipidemia has been ranked as one of the greatest risk factorscontributing to prevalence and severity of coronary heart diseases.Coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia arethe primary cause of death The hypolipidemic activity of Cynodondactylon extract was studied on high fat diet induced models ofhyperlipidemia in rats. Hyperlipidemia in experimental rats evidencedby an enhancement in the levels of Lipid profile. The Cynodondactylon extract showed significant hypolipidemic effect by reductionin the level of serum Cholesterol, TG, LDL, VLDL and increase inHDL level.COMPARISION OF AUDITORY AND VISUAL REACTION TIME INNORMAL WEIGHT, OVERWEIGHT AND OBESE PARTICIPANTS published in Published by Dr.

Valentina PetkovaPanya Jain., Shivani Gupta, Vinu VijObesity is a global epidemic and has been found to be associated with multiple health hazards. Studies have shown that the central nervoussystem (CNS) may also be detrimentally affected by obesity. The present study was done to find out whether there was any alteration inreaction time in otherwise healthy overweight and obese participants. Auditory reaction time (ART) and visual reaction time (VRT) were measured in the 30 normal weight, 30 overweight and 30 obese maleparticipants who were grouped as the control group, study group 1 and study group 2 respectively based on their BMI (Body Mass Index). Wefound that there is a statistically significant increase (P.

Communication is the exchange of information between two or more parties or devices. The introduction of the Internet of Things IoT and Cyber Physical Systems CPS in the industrial environment have revolutionized the industrial world. Industrial communication networking is very important to the continued operation of all forms of industry.

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This paper provides a brief introduction to industrial communication. Sadiku Sarhan M. Musa Osama M. Musa 'Industrial Communication' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-4, June 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd24057.pdf.

Paper URL: ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT EVALUATIONOF 3-(2-(4-FLUOROBENZYLTHIO) PYRIMIDIN-4-YL-AMINO)-2-(3-SUBSTITUTED PHENYL) THIAZOLIDIN-4-ONESpublished in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaNaganna M Goudgaon. and Rohini Y ReddyA series of novel 3-(2-(4-fluorobenzylthio)pyrimidin-4-ylamino)-2-(3-substituted phenyl)thiazolidin-4-one analogues (6a-i) were synthesizedstarting from 2-thiouracil (1). Reaction of compound 1 with 4-fluorobenzylchloride gave 2-(4-fluorobenzylthio) pyrimidin-4(3H)-one(2) which on chlorination with POCl3 yielded 2-(4-fluorobenzylthio)-4-chloropyrimidine (3). Further reaction of compound 3 withhydrazine hydrate generated the key intermediate 1-(2-(4-fluorobenzylthio)pyrimidin-4-yl)hydrazine (4). Reaction of compound4 with appropriate substituted aromatic aldehydes furnished 2-(substituted benzylidene)-1-(2-(4-fluorobenzylthio)pyrimidin-4-yl)hydrazine (5a-i), which on further cyclisation with thioglycolic acid in dry benzene furnished3-(2-(4-fluorobenzylthio)pyrimidin-4-ylamino)-2-(3-substituted phenyl)thiazolidin-4-oneanalogues (6a-i).

Structural assignments of the synthesized compounds were based on theirIR, 1H NMR, Mass and analytical data. All the synthesized compounds 5a-i and 6a-i werescreened for their preliminary antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.