Actex Study Manual For Soa Software

Actex Manual P
ACTEX Study Manual for Exam SRM Fall 2019Lo/Feng/LindersTry the ACTEX Exam SRM study manual free for 24 hours!Capitalizing on the authors' experience in researching and teaching the associated syllabus topics, this manual aims to help you grasp the material in Exam SRM effectively and efficiently. It features carefully written expositions interspersed with mnemonics, exam tips, and unique insights into the subject, as well as more than 400 practice problems and their solutions, both original and from relevant past exams. This manual concludes with an original practice exam, including detailed solutions.Exam SRM includes a number of topics not previously covered in SOA exams including generalized linear models, decision trees, principal components analysis and cluster analysis.We have streamlined the material in both textbooks to result in more coherent expositions without unnecessary repetition. As far as possible, we have followed the notation in the two texts. You should note that exam questions can freely use symbols in the texts without defining the symbols for you.Learn more.