Delta Faucet Monitor 1700 Manual
I have this faucet, and it is leaking from the faucet itself.(I got the picture from this old thread - but it is the same faucet as mine.)I called Delta, and they are sending me part kit RP28603. But there are no instructions with it (from what I have found online - I don't have the kit in hand yet), and I can't find any 'how-to's' anywhere as to how to fix this thing.

I found one forum that said I needed an 11/16 deep wall socket (which of course I don't have)but the other thread says nothing about that. I'd like to know what I am doing before I attempt this, and at least have the right tools with me. Can anyone provide a better description of what to do? I sure would appreciate it. That was what I thought. I had to write a check for $78 for the estimate, too. This really infuriates me - I think the guy just plain didn't want to do the job, and threw that out there.

My BF called his own plumber (who is too far away to come out) and described the issue, and he said that even if he had to replace the entire faucet, through the front, it would be around $700 for the whole job, barring any unusual problems of course. I swear, if I ever do find an honest plumber, I think I am going to put them on retainer.edit. I just spoke with 2 more plumbers, that pretty much echoed what you said. Neither of them have ever NOT been able to get a bonnet nut off, either through heat, or cutting them off.or something.
Now remember, this is for Windows systems earlier than Vista. Installshield deletefile. It also lists any errors. You simply set the value of the registry key to voicewarmupx to have all of the installation steps logged in the file.Key: HKEYLOCALMACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstallerRegSZ: LoggingValue: voicewarmupxIf you aren’t clear on this, you go to the above registry key, look for the Logging entry, if it isn’t there, you must create it. The build logs can be found in the Release’s LogFiles folder.Installation LogsTo create a log that shows the steps occurring during an installation, we have to go the registry.

Delta Monitor 1700 Series Installation Manual
They can't believe that the guy said that. Total gouging.