Ethical Issues In Modern Medicine Steinbock Pdf Viewer

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Ethical Issues In Modern Medicine Steinbock Pdf Viewer Download

A Doody's Core Title for 2015!Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine: Contemporary Readings in Bioethics, Eighth Edition, is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art anthology that covers both traditional and emerging issues in the field of biomedical ethics with engaging case studies and reflective papers written by leading scholars. Each of the book’s seven parts begins with a helpful introduction that raises important questions and skillfully contextualizes the positions and key points of the articles that follow. This eighth edition has been thoroughly updated to include the most important recent contributions to contemporary debates, and all selections have been subjected to the editors’ exacting standards for both scholarly quality and teachability.Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:. SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.

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The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping.Complete system requirements to use Connect can be found here: Alex John London is associate professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Ethics and Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.John D. Arras is the William and Linda Porterfield Professor of Bioethics, and professor of philosophy at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.Bonnie Steinbock is professor of philosophy at the University at Albany, State University of New York, and a faculty member of the Bioethics Program of Union Graduate College and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Modern Medicine Analgesics

(. indicates new to 6th edition)PrefaceThe ContributersIntroduction: Moral Reasoning in the Medical ContextBioethics: Nature and ScopeSources of Bioethical Problems and ConcernsChallenges to Ethical TheoryMoral Theories and PerspectivesReligious Ethics'Rights-Based' ApproachesCommunitarian EthicsVirtue EthicsNonmoral ConsiderationsModes of Moral ReasoningPART ONE: Foundations of the Health Professional-Patient RelationshipSection 1: Autonomy, Paternalism, and Medical ModelsThe Hippocratic OathAlan Goldman, 'The Refutation of Medical Paternalism'.Bernice S. Elger and Jean-Claude Chevrolet, 'Beneficience Today, or Autonomy (Maybe) Tomorrow'Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Linda L. Emanuel, 'Four Models of the Physician-Patient Relationship'.Benjamin Freedman, 'Offering Truth'Section 2: Informed ConsentArato v. AvedonJohn D.

Ethical Issues In Modern Medicine Pdf

Arras, 'Antihypertensives and the Risk of Temporary Impotence: A Case Study in Informed Consent'Jay Katz, 'Informed Consent - Must it Remain a Fairy Tale?' Howard Brody, 'Transparency: Informed Consent in Primary Care'Section 3: Conflicting Professional Roles and Responsibilities.Francoise Baylis, 'Error in Medicine: Nurturing Truthfulness'Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of CaliforniaLen Fleck and Marcia Angell, 'Please Don't Tell'.Lainie Friedman Ross, 'Disclosing Misattributed Paternity'The HMO Physician's Duty to Cut CostsNorman Levinsky, 'The Doctor's Master'E. Haavi Morreim, 'Fiscal Scarcity and the Inevitability of Bedside Budget Balancing'.Steven H. Miles, 'What Are We Teaching About Indigent Patients?' Recommended Supplementary ReadingPART TWO: Allocation, Social Justice, and Health PolicySection 1: Justice, Health Care, and HealthPresident's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 'An Ethical Framework for Securing Access to Health Care'Norman Daniels, 'Equal Opportunity and Health Care'.Sarah Marchand, Daniel Wikler, and Bruce Landesman, 'Class, Health, and Justice'H.

Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., 'Freedom and Moral Diversity: The Moral Failures of Health Care in the Welfare State'Section 2: Methods and Strategies for Rationing Health CareAlex John London, 'Bone Marrow Transplants for Advanced Breast Cancer: The Story of Christine deMeurers'David M. Eddy, 'The Individual vs. Dance ejay 2017.

Society: Resolving the Conflict'.Paul Menzel, Marthe R. Gold, Erik Nord, Jose-Louis Pinto-Prades, Jeff Richardson, and Peter Ubel, 'Toward a Broader View of Values in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health'Norman Daniels and James Sabin, 'Last-Chance Therapies and Managed Care: Pluralism, Fair Procedures, and Legitimacy'Section 3: Equality and the Ends of MedicineAlvin H. Moss and Mark Siegler, 'Should Alcoholics Compete Equally for Liver Transplantation?' Carl Cohen, Martin Benjamin, and the Ethics and Social Impact Committee of the Transplant and Health Policy Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 'Alcoholics and Liver Transplantation'.David B. Allen, 'Growth Hormone Therapy for the Disability of Short Stature'.Norman Daniels, 'The Genome Project, Individual Differences, and Just Health Care'Recommended Supplementary ReadingPART THREE: Defining Death, Forgoing Life-Sustaining Treatment, and EuthanasiaSection 1: The Definition of DeathPresident's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 'Defining Death'Robert M.

Veatch, 'The Impending Collapse of the Whole-Brain Definition of Death'.Baruch A. Brody, 'How Much of the Brain Must Be Dead?' Section 2: Decisional Capacity and the Right to Refuse TreatmentState of Tennessee Department of Human Services v.

Northern: Transcript of Proceedings: Testimony of Mary C. NorthernAllen Buchanan and Dan W.