Primus 870 Radar Manual
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KTA 870/KMH 880 Pilot’s GuideRev 2Table of Contents006-iTAS System Components. 1Traffic Displays:.
1 TAS Controls. 1TAS Introduction. 3Section I: TAS Theory of Operation and Symbology.
Primus Canada
5TAS Operation. 6TAS Sensitivity Level.
6 TAS Surveillance Volumes. 8(1) Range Tracking Volumes. 8 (2) Altitude Tracking Volumes. 8TAS Aural Inhibits.
8TAS Traffic Display Symbols. 8Non-Threat Traffic. 9 Proximity Intruder Traffic. 9 Traffic Advisory (TA). 10 No Bearing Traffic.
10 Off Scale Traffic. 11TAS Indications and Voice Announcements. 12TAS Traffic Advisory Annunciation (TA):.
12Section II: TAS Controls and Displays. 15TAS Controls. 15TAS Control & Display; KMD 550/850. 15 KMD 550/850 Traffic Page (TAS) Operational Controls. 16 TAS Control Panel; CP 66B. 17Power Switch:. 18 Range Knob:.
18 Display Select Switch:. 18 Altitude Limit Switch:.
18Weather Radar Indicators. 19RDS 81, 82, 84 & 86, RDR 2000, RDR 2100 and Primus /Collins Color Indicators. 19 Weather Only Mode. 20 Weather with TAS Traffic Mode. 20 TAS Only Mode. 21Wx & TAS Message Formats. 21TAS Mode Annunciations:.
21 TAS Fault Annunciations:. 22 Weather Only and Weather w/TAS Mode. 22 TAS ONLY mode. 22Section III: TAS Operational Procedures. 23TAS Operating Procedures.
24Before Takeoff. 24 Flight Procedures.