Sechs Schwedinnen Im Pensionat

The various titles that this film has been given crack me up! Six Swedes On Campus? Well, no Swedes here, but they're on campus. Erwin Dietrich scores again with this sexy and fantasy-filled take on Girls School antics.
Brigitte Lahaie shines, as usual, and the other cast members play their parts with gusto: any excuse to get naked, and they get naked! The libidinous female teacher gives some memorable 'health' classes (on exploring their own bodies, etc.), pillow-fights in the dorm, voyeurism, even nude butterfly-catching! The copy I saw was a rental; there were a few harsh edits in the transfer, but I doubt that this film went beyond softcore.

Definitely worth seeing, especially for those fans of wall-to-wall nudity and cheesy voice-overs. I watched this movie expecting to get the same old erotic movie. Boy, was I surprised when I watched this movie. You get to see female nudity from head to toe and male nudity. Girls are playing with themselves while the teacher gets hot herself.
There is also lesbian scenes with good description and sex scenes tied in with some of the best comedy since, Benny Hill. If this movie does not turn your buttons you must be dead in certain parts of your anatomy. Don't miss the butterfly catching scene. I gave this movie a 10 because it steams adult erotic with good old fashioned humor. Rent this movie and than buy it because it is one of a kind. Although Six Swedes on a Campus and Amorous Sisters seem to have most of the same cast & director, not to mention basic premise, they are different in content. Amorous Sisters is much shorter (about 65 mines), but contains slightly stronger material, and Six Swedes on a campus seems to be better made, and more of a full-length movie.
In 6 Swedes, the girls mess around with the rather camp muscle-bound PE teacher outdoors, whereas in Amorous Sisters, he's pounced upon inside. Perhaps there was originally one big movie, and was then made into little ones. I'd say 6 swedes was the better one, because the film quality is higher. Don't bother with 6 Swedes in Ibiza by the way, it's rubbish: 6 Swedes at the pump is OKish, but beware of the 6 Swedes at the Alps - the version I had which is supposedly uncut is very tame. Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School (1979). (out of 4) Erwin C. Dietrich both wrote and directed this sexploitation film under different names but there's no mistaken his work.
The film takes place at a Swedish boarding school where some perfect looking young ladies start to get curious about sex. This film's original title was SECHS SCHWEDINNEN IM PENSIONAT but it also went under a variety of other titles including SIX SWEDES ON CAMPUS and UNTAMED SEX. No matter what you call the film there's no question that it's pretty much lacking in any sort of story but I guess that was to be expected as people certainly weren't coming to pictures like this for some sort of Ingmar Bergman experience. What Dietrich was always able to deliver was low-budget movies without much plot and more times than not the title itself told you what you were in for. Whereas his films lacked any sort of plot, they more than made up for it with non-stop nudity and plenty of beautiful women. Usually in American sexploitation films there was always that one ugly friend or bland girl but that's not the case here as Dietrich gives us all perfect '10' girls.
The most known name in the group is Brigitte Lahaie who is obviously hard to miss with her beauty. You've also got Jess Franco regular Eric Falk in a small role. Obviously there's only one reason to watch a movie like this and that's for the ladies, the nudity and the sexuality.

At 90-minutes the film does get rather boring very quickly but there's still plenty of eye candy that helps make it stand apart. 'Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat' or 'Six Swedes on a Campus' is a Swiss / French co-production from 1979, but the Swiss factor is dominant here with writer and director Erwin C. He is known for his trashy sex comedies from around that era and there are even more films about these Swedish girls in other locations. Then again, it is all relative and not to be seen too seriously as most of the action in this 90-minute film is outside in the nature and not really on campus. One of the lead actresses here is Brigitte Lahaie and she played in many of these films back then. I personally must say this was a pretty bad watch.
The actors and actresses were abysmal and the script was so bad that it was almost non-existent. No plot whatsoever, just random stupid scenes that result in sex most of the time.
I have zero interest to check out any of the other Swedes films after what I saw here. I am also fairly certain, it is all interchangeable probably and I'd be shocked if the other ones were better. Is there anything good in here? I cannot come up with a single aspect.
The girls weren't even hot, so this is also not a good watch if you are in the mood for some porn. Failure all around. Hearing from a friend about a big sub-genre in the 60's-70's of German cinema called Sex Comedy,I decided to search around for a suitable title,that would give me the chance to see the sub-genre that mixed the naughty with the weird and funny. The plot: Getting sent to a boarding school to be properly taught,a group of girls start to tire of their PE teacher and headmistress always telling them what to do.Keen on shaking the school's foundation permanently up,the girls start to explore and meet the residents of the near by town,who help them to get ideas on how to make the school time table much more interesting View on the film: In the school for 90 minutes, writer/director Erwin C. Dietrich evenly spreads enough quirky,humorous moments that allow the movie to move at an enjoyably pleasant pace. Openly celebrating the movie's ridiculousness right from the start, (from only a few of the girls being Swedish,to all of the Germen men being dubbed by guys with strong British accents!) Dietrich jumps headfirst into terrific silliness by making the girls out of school trips be ones where they create a bicycle that is defiantly not built for two,and have fun messing around with a pepping tom! Along with showing the beautiful women (who give great,naturally cheerful performances) in the film, (led by fittie Brigitte Lahaie) at their absolute best,Dietrich also shows an unexpected Gothic side to his directing,with a scene of some girls playing around with a pepping tom,having a suggested rough edge to it,and also filling the soundtrack with lonely bird sounds which help to develop a feeling the due to how much fun they are having,this is a school that none of the girls want to leave.
Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School (1979). (out of 4) Erwin C.
Full Cast And Crew
Dietrich both wrote and directed this sexploitation film under different names but there's no mistaken his work. The film takes place at a Swedish boarding school where some perfect looking young ladies start to get curious about sex. This film's original title was SECHS SCHWEDINNEN IM PENSIONAT but it also went under a variety of other titles including SIX SWEDES ON CAMPUS and UNTAMED SEX. No matter what you call the film there's no question that it's pretty much lacking in any sort of story but I guess that was to be expected as people certainly weren't coming to pictures like this for some sort of Ingmar Bergman experience.
Sechs Schwedinnen Im Pensionat In English
What Dietrich was always able to deliver was low-budget movies without much plot and more times than not the title itself told you what you were in for. Whereas his films lacked any sort of plot, they more than made up for it with non-stop nudity and plenty of beautiful women. Usually in American sexploitation films there was always that one ugly friend or bland girl but that's not the case here as Dietrich gives us all perfect '10' girls. The most known name in the group is Brigitte Lahaie who is obviously hard to miss with her beauty. You've also got Jess Franco regular Eric Falk in a small role. Obviously there's only one reason to watch a movie like this and that's for the ladies, the nudity and the sexuality. At 90-minutes the film does get rather boring very quickly but there's still plenty of eye candy that helps make it stand apart.