Tutorial Rpg Maker Vx Ace Bahasa Indonesia Translation
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Hello my fellow RMVX customers! I see there are quite a few others here who have never used any previous RPG Maker at all, so I think I should give you some advice to get you started as quickly and painlessly as possible.#1: RPG Maker is designed primarily for old-school style RPGs.While RPG Maker is very versatile, it's main focus has always been 80s/90s RPGs such as Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Ultima, Chrono Trigger, and so on. This means 2D graphics. This means single player. This means the most painless way to make your awesome magnum opus in your mind is to start by learning how RPG Maker does everything by default and not trying to force it to do things that require scripting. Which leads us to.#2: You don't need custom scripts for anything.
- Tutorial Rpg Maker Vx Ace Bahasa Indonesia Translation Software
- Tutorial Rpg Maker Vx Ace Bahasa Indonesia Translation English
(until you know how EVERYTHING ELSE works FIRST)If you ask a question on a forum and someone answers by saying you need a script to do it, they may be wrong. Usually they're not, but I've noticed a few people here and there recommend scripts when common events can more easily be used, which means they're unfamiliar with how to do things right. If they are correct and what you're trying to do does require a script, you need to stop and learn how RPG Maker does things before even thinking about trying what you want.The RPG Maker map editor is the shallow end of the pool. The database is the middle of the pool, with common events being the deep end of the pool. The script editor is THE OCEAN. YOU WILL DROWN IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM, SO LEARN TO SWIM IN THE POOL FIRST.#3: There are three main things you need to learn, all of which are designed to be easy to learn but have many features, and a few smaller super easy things.a) The map editor.The map editor lets you paint tiles on the map in a number of layers, as well as placing events. The different layers of tiles are designed to give a sense of space and define where the player can go.
It's pretty straightforward, you just need to figure out what each tile is supposed to represent.b) The Event Commands menu.You won't even see this unless you are adding a new command to an Event or Common Event. Events are placed on the map and are usually either invisible or they have a sprite which represents a characer or object. You will use Events a lot. You will need to know how Event Commands work in order to do anything. You will eventually need to understand how every Event Command works, but it's all pretty straightforward.c) The Database.The Database stores a vast amount of complicated information in extremely well-organised and easy to understand tabs.
Tutorial Rpg Maker Vx Ace Bahasa Indonesia Translation Software
Tutorial Rpg Maker Vx Ace Bahasa Indonesia Translation English
This is where you decide your characters' basic graphics and information, their class abilities and stats (and how those classes work), how skills work, define items, define equipment and weapons, the stats of enemies and how they're arranged in encounters ('troops'), and a few other things.The most powerful part of the database is Common Events. Before custom scripts were possible, almost every work-around involved Common Events. Common Events use the Event Command menu just like regular map Events. One thing I noticed when XP, and subsequently RGSS scripting, were released, no one ever used common events anymore. I remember seeing tons guides for 2K/2K3 for doing things with just common events, and then it all just disappeared when RGSS scripting came out.With common events, you can simulate a lot of things you can do with scripting (and a lot easier/straightforward too).
RGSS should only be used to change fundamental core mechanics like UI or combat.For example, you can do day/night with just common events.