Geolite City Database
Feedback sent successfully Thank you for your valuable feedback. We will use it to make even better.The GeoIP databases are sold.
New Database Format Available: This page is for our legacy databases. For our latest database format, please see our.GeoIP Legacy is available in a variety of downloadable databases. These databases use a custom binary format to maximize lookup speed. MaxMind also offers CSV versions of the same data.
This is useful if you would like to import this data into a SQL RDBMS, for example. CSV DatabasePlease see our. Binary DatabasesThe binary databases come in many flavors, each of which contains a specific dataset. These are all offered as separate products with their own subscription.At present, we offer the following databases:. Country – maps the IP address to a country. Region – maps the IP address to a specific state/province within a country.
City – maps the IP address to a specific city within a country. In the US, we are able to map many IP addresses to specific postal codes. This database also contains approximate latitude, longitude, and time zone data. Organization – maps the IP address to the organization which was assigned the IP address’s netblock.
ISP – maps the IP address to the ISP which owns the IP, including wireless carriers. Netspeed – maps the IP address a particular network speed. Domain – maps the IP address to a domain (not a hostname).Latitude and longitude are not precise and should not be used to identify a particular street address or household.
To better represent a level of accuracy, please include the accuracyradius when displaying latitude and longitude and make it clear that the coordinates refer to a larger geographical area instead of a precise location. MaxMind-Supported APIsWe supply APIs for many major programming languages.All of our APIs are.
We are happy to review patches submitted as. Language/PlatformDocumentationPackage RepositoryVersion ControlApache (modgeoip)C (see note),C#JavaPerlPHP,PythonNote: The has been moved to a separate source distribution. Third-Party APIs. MaxMind does not offer support for these APIs and has not reviewed the code. Use at your own risk.Language or FrameworkAPI NamePackage RepositoryDocumentationVersion ControlErlangegoipGoGeoIP (C wrapper)Nimmmgeoip (C wrapper)Node.jsGeoIP binding (C extension)Node.jsnode-maxmind (0.6 and earlier)PHPNetGeoIPPHPGeoIP PECLPythonpygeoipRubyGeoIP Bindings (C Extension)RubygeoipScalaScala MaxMind Geo-IPOther Ways to Access the Databases OpenX/phpAdNewsWe offer for using our downloadable databases with OpenX. Flesh & blood movie. Wiresharksupports the use of databases.are available for many platforms. Windows packages are available from Wireshark for and processors.
Geoip2 Binary Mmdb Format
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